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Irrigation Control Box Repair & Troubleshooting

Kredit Sprinkler and Arizona Lighting is a family owned and operated business serving the Valley since 1984. We pride ourselves on delivering excellent service based on our four pillars: 


1. Expertise

2. Efficiency

3. Preparedness

4. Verification


Expertise in managing irrigation control boxes or time clocks is a necessity for any irrigation repair or troubleshooting. From the very first imperial Valet time clock to the most modern smart clock, we understand the core technology and concepts of each one. Here at Kredit Sprinkler & Arizona Lighting we have worked on many different time clocks and are aware of how to navigate them. 


Finally, a good contractor always tests the repair and other stations or zones in the same area. Our team is professional, completes high-quality work, and then verifies the work done with thorough testing.


With this knowledge, we find the part of the equation that’s not working, whether it’s the electrical output, wiring, hardware or other. 


Another contributor to efficiency involves preparedness - due to the fact that we focus on irrigation rather than general landscaping, we often have the parts we need on hand. Being a licensed, bonded and insured contractor with the AZ ROC and running a family owned/operated business for 40+ years, we strive to be well supplied on all our service trucks. 

What Our Clients Say

Image by VJ Von Art
Amazing work! Amazing crew! Best in the valley! HIGHLY Recommended!!
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